Novus Renaissance is the new platform for Phan Freedom, creating and defending great stories, great characters, and superb secondary worlds where Phans everywhere experience: adventure, excitement, and wonder.

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Today, past times, good, bad, and indifferent, are being rediscovered for the first time by new people in our present time.  Due to a plethora of factors and circumstances, the arts, cultures, and the ability to tell stories are fading away.  The old renaissance of classic Western Civilization appears to be in its “twilight of the gods.”  However, some, myself included, would like to see the old times made new, and the principles of superb storytelling manifest and rise like a phoenix from the ashes, ushering in a Novus (new) Renaissance.

What if you could take that unexpected journey to Middle Earth as Professor Tolkien crafted chapter by chapter?  Or journey through a door from our world to the lands of C.S. Lewis’s Narnia?  And similarly, follow the savage journey through the Hyperborean Age that Robert E. Howard imposed upon himself as he created one of the greatest epic adventurers of all time.  What if you were able to that? Now, you have that opportunity to join me and follow the paths of Dor Vahdor unto the land of Preflood Earth for years to come.

So, open your mind and imagination; then, set your course for the third star to the right that lies beyond the son of morning and nothing that you have ever read before.  The Primethology Epic of Spear and Spirit high fantasy and science fiction, which travel up from Earth’s surly bonds unto the Kozmic realms of the Highest.

Enjoy the New Renaissance, enjoy the journey, enjoy the story, and enjoy what is yet to come!

PS: And like, share, subscribe, donate, and MOST IMPORTANT, if you buy a book, write a review and spread the good word across the globe!